Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lets take 6.

As most of you know, Hudson hasn't been the greatest night sleeper that ever was... but I've come to realize this was all my doing.
He wasn't waking up because he needed to wake up, he was waking up because I continually give him bottles throughout the night, and it had become habit!
Starting last tuesday, I started not giving him bottles, first few nights were pretty rough and then I dropped him off at my parents, and he slept through the night. Now, it's night six, and still no wake ups!

So, now I'm working on C now. At almost twenty-eight pounds this kid does NOT need to be waking up for food, in-fact I realized that when he gets up in the morning his diapers are barely wet, so this must mean that he wakes up just to snuggle, and goes back to sleep.

Last night, he woke up at 10:30, so he ate.. then he woke up again around 2:30 to eat, I fed him... and I heard him stir around 4, but I let him just whine, and what did he do? Go back to sleep and slept until 8!
This is UNHEARD of.... He's usually up every hour from 7-11, and then every two hours after that. He's 6 1/2 months old... and doesn't need the food anymore. He eats 1/2 cup of solids before bed, and both breasts...

Anyways, I'm still on my sleep solution journey, and I hope to get there soon as Glen is gone during the week for the next 3 months..

All I have to say is: I feel AMAZING TODAY!

1 comment:

Arif Sarkar said...

Thanks for sharing this blog. This is really amazing information.

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