Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 10.

It's day ten of my new healthy living lifestyle, and I'm really finding that I enjoy every bit of this. Yes, sometimes I sit back and think.. I could really go for a ____ . But then I remember how I felt after eating that. Unhealthy, bloated and guilty. Always guilty.
It's been a long process for me to get to wear I am. It took me loosing weight unhealthily when I was eighteen, working out thousands of calories, and getting borderline diabetes, to have two beautiful boys... to eating out every day of the week for two months straight, to get me to realize that I want more out of life.
I want a real life.
I want to be happy in my skin, with who I am. It doesn't matter the number on the scale, it really only matters how I feel.

I've since kicked my diabetes out the door, and I probably won't ever go back there... no, I won't ever go back there.
I'm on day ten of my new lifestyle and Glen is even adopting it. He's excited that I'm somewhat forcing him to eat well.
He goes up North and works five days out of the week, and comes home for two. Those two days excite him, and in his words " I know that when I come home I will no longer feel sick. You make such good food honey "

Reading labels, and making everything from scratch is now part of our regime. I will not buy packaged food or let anything persuade me. You might say, isn't that a bit extreme? Maybe, but right now it's best for my family and I to stay on track.
We're allowed a treat once in a while, but in the last ten days.. I've not taken that treat yet.

There you have it. My ten day Journey so far. I've lost FIVE pounds ( and probably more, but my lovely red friend has stopped by for a visit )
Stay tuned for my weight loss Journey.

1 comment:

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