Saturday, October 29, 2011

How To Have A Baby In 2 Hours!

As I've not really posted how long my birth was and how it went here's my mini story.

Starting at 37 Weeks pregnant I had my first S&S (Stretch & Sweep), my doctor was happy to tell me I was already 4cm dilated and thinned quite a bit.
This gave me hope that baby was going to come out, then! (Hudson came out at 38W1day...)
So, after my sweep I went home, packed our bags, cleaned our house from top to bottom... and waited..waited.....woke up in the morning and still waited., 2 days after that contractions started, and were regular, but came in and out and died out.
Next week at my 38 week appointment I also had a S&S done. This time I was 6cm dilated, and Casey was completely dropped. She was sure that I would have him in the next couple of days. I was still having contractions almost constantly... so she made sure she was on call.
I week at my 39 week appointment, still at 6 cm dilated and very thinned...
40 week appointment, she did my LAST stretch, and that night I started to get BAD contractions, I woke Glen & Hudson up around 3:30 am, thinking that this wasn't it.. but I should just be safe... we diddle daddled around the house for the next 30 minutes getting food, pillows etc...
Got to the hospital around 4:15, I was upstairs getting checked at 4:35

Nurse left to call my Dr and was going to send me home as I was still 6cm..... as soon as she left I went and sat on a ball, and I heard a crack and a drop... then the contractions were so unbearable I wanted to die.
I went in sat in the shower for the next 20 minutes so they could take my blood.... at around 5:10, I crawled onto the hospital bed, and I asked them to check me. From 4:45-5:10 I went from 6-10 cm.
I told them I had to push, and Casey came out in TWO pushes.... His head, was 105 percentile, but he was only 8 pounds.

My perfect 8 pound baby boy was born at 5:19 AM, and was snuggled in my arms.
I asked to go home 2 hours later, and we were sent home at 1 pm.

Well, there you have it, my story.
If you want to have a baby that fast, I would advice you get pregnant when your first child is 6 months old!
Casey came out so fast, we didn't have time to take photos. My mom got there right before he came out.

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