Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm breaking up with Cloth.

After thinking about this for months, but keep pressing through, as a family, Glen and I have decided to sell off our cloth.
This by no means was a easy choice for me. I'm addicted. Not only because there are such cute prints, but I love washing them, hanging them, having them on my cute boy bums, and not to mention it's so good for our Earth!

Having one in cloth is great. Hudson went through 6-8 cloth diapers a day.. add a newborn into the mix and they go through 10-12 a day.
I was washing 45-55 diapers every 3 days. That would require me pulling them all apart, washing them, and then stuffing them for about a hour..
for the last 4 months, the cloth have been neglected. We've been using them, but they wouldn't get stuffed, leading to frustrating to not just be able to pick up a diaper and go.
We had dirty diapers all over our laundry room, and still do. To pull them apart, and put them into a wet bag just seems like a lot of work, when you're hauling two kids around... don't judge until you've been there. Because I did.

Last night we broke down, after discussing this for the past few months, and we bought a box of Pampers Dry Diapers ( box of 180 for 29.99 ) That should last us over a month.
Cloth has to be changed much more frequently. Casey can wear a BG 4.0 for 2 hours, max.. he eats every 1 1/2 hours, so liquid is always pumping through him. I can get 4 hours out of him from a pampers. So much more worth it. Especially if we go into town, I don't have to worry about him peeing his pants.

This is a very hard choice for me as I stated above. I love cloth. But I will be selling my entire stash to make things easier for us right now. LIfe with two under two is hard, and adding cloth to the mix is just crazy.
We plan to start cloth back up when Hudson is potty trained ( hopefully in the next 4 months )... I will be buying a stash of Grovia's.. no stuffing, and they are much trimmer on my chunky monkey!

Thanks for reading my thoughts, and I just wanted to say sorry if I have passed judgement to you. Cloth is not for everyone, and as much as I've been a advocate for it, and still want to continue, we're choosing to stop temporarily so I can have much more needed time with my little men.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Don't feel bad about your choice! You have been exclusively cloth for longer than me! I am proud if I can go just one day with all cloths. Have you considered just doing cloth when you feel like it at home? This way you can just keep your faves and after rinsing them I wash them with other laundry as I rarely have a full load. I don't feel like it has to be all or none, but I'm not the one with two under two ;) enjoy the extra time and less laundry either way!